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Protect nature by valuing Indigenous solutions.
We work to ensure Māori have access to vital information and avenues that promote their voice. We enhance their ability to actively participate in biosecurity, environmental and conservation spaces so that Māori may continue to fulfil their rights to protect the natural environment.
We also build environmental protection capability, safeguard environmental-related mātauranga Māori, and advocate for Indigenous led evidence in the protection of our native species.
Focus Areas
Te Tira Whakamātaki is highly active in Māori communities but also have strong connections to other Indigenous communities across the globe.
We aim to restore balance to our natural world and re-establish a reciprocal relationship with Papatūānuku (Mother Earth) by embedding our ancestor’s knowledge of the environment, our Indigenous philosophies, and mātauranga (knowledge) in our work and organizational structure.
This means direct investment in the education, empowerment and revitalisation of Indigenous communities and their environmental knowledge (especially that of Māori).
To carry out what is important to us, we have four broad areas of work

We conduct research that benefits the environment and our Māori and Indigenous communities. This includes contract work.
Te Tira Whakamātaki is home to Māori and allied researchers and tohunga of all backgrounds, including disaster risk reduction, seed banking, history, social science, and holders of mātauranga Māori.
We also have an extensive network of Māori researchers, kaumatua, and kaitiaki that complete Māori-led research with our support. We prefer to work at place, with those who know best.
We are currently active in the Predator Free 2050, disaster preparedness, seed banking, synthetic biology, myrtle rust and kauri ora research spaces (among many more).

We work to develop environmental capability and capacity expertise for better protection and restoration of te taiao (the environment) for all.
We believe that Indigenous solutions are the best to tackle environmental issues. To do this, we focus on educating others on Māori view of te taiao, te Tiriti o Waitangi, and biodiversity responses. We also use our education focus to revitilise or discover mātauranga Māori that is invaluable to increasing the health of our planet. This includes at place training in our communities.
Our work is designed to educate both Māori and Pākehā, as we see both as crucial partners in preserving the environment.

We support agencies to engage appropriately with Māori and Indigenous peoples in the environmental space.
Te Tira Whakamātaki has, and always will be, a network of broad, diverse, and - above all - passionate people. One of our primary purposes is to bring these people together and help to coordinate biodiversity programming and responses.
At the moment, we are using our contract work, Ngā Taura Ki A Papatūānuku (Youth Network), and active social media platforms to stay connected with those on the ground.

We create spaces and places for sharing ideas, and mobilising communities and individuals committed to decolonising the environmental space.
We believe that the conservation system needs to be decolonised to enable true protection of te taiao.
We also believe that our position and networks allow us to be a conduit for Māori voices important in the restoration of Aotearoa.
Therefore, we are active in the policy submission and advocacy spaces. We regularly work with the Crown to ensure that Māori perspectives, experts, and knowledge keepers are actively and safely present and being listened to. We also regularly submit policy recommendations to the Crown to assist in systemic change.

To put our focuses into action, we have created several Te Tira Whakamātaki led initiatives.
Each contribute to our vision of a world where Indigenous solutions are valued and bring more people into the network.
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